Let Your Soul Guide You…

Your soul being is your Core.  It’s the real you underneath, roles and responsibilities, posessions, job, status and appearance. Our body is just the shell that carries this beautiful existance around, and will often be used as a tool for to communicate your soul’s needs, wants and desires.  It’s inate ability to guide us often times goes unnoticed.

Your working yourself to death to pay for the fancy house, private school, toys, etc, and your soul is telling you to scale down and simplify. Your soul doesn’t want to go to church anymore, but you should. Or maybe your are not going to church and your soul is saying you should.  You’ve spent years training for your job, the money is good and its secure, but your soul is telling you to leave.  Any time we don’t listen to the body and soul, it only gets louder.

For most people their soul has been guiding them for years and they haven’t been listening.  Because we are so full of judgment, we take our soul’s guidance for granted. When this happens, our bodies can send symptoms like anxiety, depression, digestive issues, etc. So often I hear clients tell me, ” I don’t understand where or why this anxiety or depression is inside me.” “Where is it coming from? I have a good job, a nice house, loving family, I live a good life”. But deep inside there is an unhappiness.  We allow the ego to take over and start to live our life in a way society dictates.  Letting go of ego guides to true self and here we can really tune in to the soul’s guidance.

Listening to the calling of your soul can be a little scary.  So we ignore it. It can guide us completely out of our comfort zone and require an act of great courage. I Remember before I started my own coaching business, how scary and exilerating it was. I kept asking myself, “Will I have enough clients to pay my expenses?  Can I really help them, the way I think I can? What about the kids? With our family dynamic, will I be abe to balance my home, kids and work?” As I sit hear today, writing I can admit, It took a few months to find the balance but I did it. And listening to my soul has been a beautiful and gratifying journey for me.

You see, the soul doesn’t care about certainty, only freedom. This sense of freedom is exhilerating! I have the pleasure of being a stay at home mom to my beatiful boys and run my business part time. Exactly what my soul was calling me to do.  The energy within the body is amplified when your are in your true calling. Your soul energy :).

How do you know where your soul is guiding you? Your soul could be guiding you through, dreams, visions, thoughts, people you run into and “meant to be moments”, billboards, signs, etc.  That moment when something specific catches your attention. Next time this happens to you, tune in. Listen to your soul, hear what it has to say. Pay attention the energy within your body and don’t disregard. Your soul’s calling will not happen over night.  It may take many years, months, many jobs, and many people along the way, but it is the core of your being, and listenting to the messages it brings will take you on a beautiful journey.

LOts of LOve,


My Journey To India


I had the most amazing spiritual experience! I traveled to India to study Yoga and Meditation. I spent my time with others from all around the world who were searching and looking for something deeper within their life and within their yoga practice. I went not searching for anything in particular for myself. I gratefully found contentment and happiness within my soul quite some time ago. My travels to lndia were for nothing other than pure, un-altered wisdom and guidance from a practice that I grew to love. Yoga. I wanted to embrace it, understand and experience yoga on a deeper level. Yoga isn’t just about asanas and breathing. It isn’t just about becoming more flexible, or physically fit. We have Americanized it to such, and I knew I would need to go to the country of origin for what was calling me.

Yoga is a way of life. It’s the journey of life. A journey I had already started and embraced and craved for more; not only for myself, but for my beautiful children and whom ever I     could share it with.

I knew I’d come back from school a bit wiser and more experienced, but nothing prepared me for the life changing insight I received. Going into this experience I understood a little where yoga came from, and I understood myself pretty well. My professional practice is completely aligned with yoga. But when you align your passion and spiritual calling together on a level I can’t even begin to explain, you understand SELF in all its glorious depth. I wont get into detail of my personal experience because, well, thats for me.:) I had been walking around subconsciously knowing the yoga was my path.  We are so caught up in doing rather than being. In action rather than awareness. And when we still the natural restlessness of the body we get to know who we really are. We get to know our oneness with infinite intelligence, power and joy.  This experience, this journey, was a complete validation that the yogic life is my true path.  And I must share this! This beautiful, raw, sacred wisdom.

The word Yoga means “union”: of the individual consiousness or soul with the Universal Consiousness or Spirit. Yoga is a group of spiritual, mental, and physical practices or disciplines. And all of these practices have a specific purpose to guiding you to inner peace, to enlightenment. When you truly embrace yoga for what it was meant to be, its life changing. The journey of a Yogi strips down the walls, the delicate layers, the ego, the expectations, the judgment, physically and emotion body and you are left with pure SELF. And how beautiful it is to just BE.

I am forever grateful I had the pleasure of being embraced by yoga in its truest form, this past month. Being away from my family, and in another country, was definitely out of my comfort zone, but I found complete peace within the philosophy and wisdom of the yogic path. I am so grateful for my teachers who brought the wisdom and the light and embraced each and everyone of us. A wisdom I cannot wait to share with others. It was exhilarating. It was My Journey. It was Me. It was Yoga. I am Yoga.


LOts of LOve,


Holistic Nutrition & Eating Psychology Coach
Yoga and Meditation Teacher 😉

Living on Adrenaline

Just the other day I was visiting someone in the hospital and I drove around for twenty five minutes looking for a parking space. The hospital was packed. The rooms were completely filled. I was overwhelmed with how many sick people there were in my community and this was just one of the two hospitals near me. My heart goes out to each and everyone of them and the universe continues to pull me to make a change.

Holistic Health and Nutrition are far more popular today than ever before. More and more people are turning to nutrition and food to heal their bodies. Yet, we are still facing a crisis in both men and women’s health. It’s time we get to the bottom of it. It is time to look deeper into the “why”.

Both men and women today are living a frantic double shift of work day and night. We are working twice as many hours as our ancestors. I’m witnessing this with both my male and female clients. They are overwhelmed with emails, afraid to take vacation for fear of more work when they return, not saying “No” for fear of what people may think. We are living on adrenaline trying to be all things to all people. And its taking a toll on our health. Its affecting our partners, our children, our siblings, and parents.

So why do we do it? Because we care. It comes from a very beautiful place. We deeply care about the ones we love and want to please them. It’s because we have such beautiful hearts. For some, it’s because a long time ago we made up a story that we were not good enough the way we are. We aren’t pretty enough, slim enough, tall enough, smart enough, on time enough, etc. We spend our lives trying to please everyone so they never have to feel rejected or unloved. Trying to be all things to all people can have physical, mental and emotional consequences.

But is not just the multiple health consequences of living this way thats concerning. Its that we live our life so out of touch with our beautiful hearts. And, lost in a cloud of false belief that we aren’t enough. Too many people have lost their sense of place in this world. too many people have lost their purpose.

But the return to that sense of place is possible. A return to true presence, to true connection with our bodies and with one another. A place where there is gratitude, a place where there is calm, no anxiety, no migraines, no lack of sleep, no depression. It is time for a positive internal transformation. And that time needs to begin RIGHT NOW.

We have about 50 trillion cells in our body. The way they work is to communicate with each other. And they way they communicate is through nutrients. They get these nutrients through food. And when we live life this fast paced and full of adrenaline we compromise the way we nourish ourselves.  We aren’t getting enough nutrients for these basic biochemical processes to function. This could effect our happiness, stress reduction, ability to sleep or your ability to burn body fat. Thus, leading to weight gain and other health issues.

So what drives us in our fast paced world we created for ourselves? Adrenaline (caffeine), stress and pressure.  If you don’t believe you are enough you will live your life like you don’t have enough. You will constantly be in pursuit of having and gaining more and more.  True happiness will never be met. By doing this you put your body in a stress response, releasing many chemical reactions that lead to hormone imbalances and symptoms. Often we turn to caffeine, alcohol, and other quick fixes to help. But, this does the opposite. By bringing balance back in to our bodies, we can begin to bring balance into our life, and vise versa.

It’s time to love ourselves first. We’ve all heard that we have to help ourselves before we can be of service to others. It’s true. We need to be present with ourselves to truly be present with the ones we love.  So take a breath, slow down and stop trying to be all things to all people and be present for the ones who matter. Especially YOU.

My mission is to educate and inspire and enhance your health and happiness, and to create a ripple effect that transforms you, your family, your friends and the world.

LOts of LOve,


A Mushroom For Your Nerves

As I write, I am drinking this lovely therapeutic Lion’s Mane tea. I’m a mushroom lover. I have been for many years. Although this is only one of the many I consume for health, I’m so excited the benefits of mushrooms have become more public! 10 years ago people thought I was crazy when I mentioned the health benefits of mushrooms for the body. But now they are popping up all over the health industry. I believe the more mushrooms available to the public, the better.

Lion’s Mane is a nutrient dense mushroom and is approximately 20% protein. It can help support the nervous system, memory and mood. Generally you can find it in whole form ( but not available in most grocery stores), capsule, tinctures  or powdered form (which is how I am drinking it in my tea).  

Below is a great blog by Four Sigma Foods on Lion’s Mane and it’s benefits. It also happens to be the tea I’m drinking. There are many therapeutic teas out there but mushrooms are some of the top superfoods today. I hope you will recieve the benefits mushrooms can offer and here is one way you can get Lion’s Mane.


LOts of LOve,


FAST eating can SLOW your metabolism

Are you a fast eater? With the hustle and bustle of getting kids off to school or heading out the door for work, chances are, it’s true! But eating fast is not good for you. When you eat a meal fast you are putting your body in a physiological stress response -meaning the sympathetic nervous system dominance. This increases cortisol and insulin levels in the body shutting down digestion and assimilation of your food. Also it slows the metabolism down. When these hormones ( insulin/cortisol) are released in excess, it signals the body to store fat, weight, and not build muscle. In addition it can cause symptoms like digestive upset such as GURD, bloating and fatigue just to name a few.

If you have been eating fast for awhile, slowing down will take some practice. Sit down when you eat, take a few deep breathes before you begin and this will help the body to relax. When the body is in the relaxation response, its working at optimum level.

So the next time you have a meal, take a few more minutes to enjoy it and SLOW down. Your body will thank you!

LOts of LOve,
